Thursday, January 14, 2010

How to find perfect foundation.

If you want to know right shade of foundation or compact powder which your will suit your skin. You should follow steps given below.

1. Take a drop of foundation on back of your wrist and rub it gently.
2. If it matches to your skin it is right shed for you.
3. It shouldn't look brighter than your skin.

Foundation and compact powder are generally used to hide marks on you face. Don't be in mis conception that it is used for looking fair than your original complexion. I f you choose them on that basis, you will end up with looking over make up.

We Indians have 3 skins shade and 3 shades for foundation.

For darker skin you should use mate foundation.
For whitish skin you can use gold shade foundation, and
For fair skin you can use bright shade foundation.

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